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Bruno, long time ago

Fri, 09 May 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Bruno (Tokyo): Sylvain, tu es viré.
Bruno (Tokyo): Sylvain, you are fired.

Nicolas (Sydney): Il faut éviter les blagues grasses.
Nicolas (Sydney): We must avoid bad jokes.

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Fri, 11 Apr 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Guillaume (Sydney): Tous les serveurs Tibco etaient par terre. Donc tout ce que je vous ai dit pendant la formation c'était du pipeau.
Guillaume (Sydney): All Tibco servers were down. It means that everything I said during the training was bullshit.

Guillaume (Sydney): Ce serait cool si je pouvais avoir un contact à Tokyo et un à Hong-Kong. [Gros silence...]
Guillaume (Sydney): It would be great if I could have a contact in Tokyo and another one in Hong-Kong. [Deep silence...]

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Fri, 04 Apr 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Jean-Paul (Tokyo): Il n'y a pas de bug cette fois. C'est très bien.
Jean-Paul (Tokyo): There is no bug this time, it is very good.

Kamo-san (Tokyo): Ce n'est pas ma faute!
Kamo-san (Tokyo): That is not my fault!

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Fri, 14 Mar 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

François (Hong-Kong): Je te laisse faire ton boulot, Bruno!
François (Hong-Kong): I let you do your job Bruno!

François (Hong-Kong): Jeff, c'est quoi le nom du projet pour Flowmatch?
Jeff (Tokyo): Flowmatch.
François (Hong-Kong): Jeff, for Flowmatch, what is the name of the project?
Jeff (Tokyo): Flowmatch.

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Fri, 07 Mar 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

François (Hong-Kong): La formation sur le nouveau soft est pratiquement terminée à Sydney.
Nicolas (Sydney): Euh, pas tout a fait... On n'a pas commencé en fait.
François (Hong-Kong): The new software training in Sydney is almost completed.
Nicolas (Sydney): Well, hummm, not exactly.... We did not really start yet.

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Fri, 28 Feb 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Bruno (Tokyo): Guillaume, est-ce que Sylvain est la? (quelques secondes apres que Sylvain ait pris la parole).
Bruno (Tokyo): Guillaume, is Sylvain there? (a few seconds after Sylvain talked).

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Fri, 21 Feb 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Guillaume (Sydney): Avec les outils que l'équipe infrastructure nous fournit... Ok, je vais utiliser les miens dans ces conditions...
Bruno (Tokyo): N'écris pas ça, Fred.
Guillaume (Sydney): With the tools infrastructure team provides us... Ok, I will use my own tools, then...
Bruno (Tokyo): Don't record this one, Fred.

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Sat, 25 Jan 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

François (Hong-Kong): Alors... ben... euh...

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Fri, 17 Jan 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Bruno (Tokyo): C'est qui qui prend les notes aujourd'hui?
Tout le monde: C'est toi
Bruno (Tokyo): Who is the guy taking the minutes today?
All: It's you

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Fri, 10 Jan 2003 Weekly meeting famous words...

Guillaume (Sydney): La doc est pas mal: On a au moins un numéro de téléphone
Guillaume (Sydney): Documentation is pretty good: We have a phone number at least

Bruno (Tokyo): N'écris pas ça
Bruno (Tokyo): Don't record this

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