dancing penguin

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links - Bruissement d'yeux at http://www.smartpixel.net/regards/site_mou/foule.htm

  • NASA's SPHEREx Is Poised To Launch Mission To Map 450 Million Galaxies In Color
  • Gene-Edited Non-Browning Banana Could Cut Food Waste, Scientists Say
  • Google Introduces Debian Linux Terminal App For Android
  • Athena Spacecraft Declared Dead After Toppling Over On Moon
  • Microsoft Reportedly Develops LLM Series That Can Rival OpenAI, Anthropic Models
  • Exploring the Hybrid Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Distribution
  • Linux Meets AI: Top Machine Learning Frameworks You Need to Know
  • Linux Memory Management: Understanding Page Tables, Swapping, and Memory Allocation
  • Stay Ahead of the Game: Essential Tools and Techniques for Linux Server Monitoring
  • Linux System Performance Tuning: Optimizing CPU, Memory, and Disk

If you came here, it probably means you will quit my site soon. So good bye, au-revoir, sayonara... If you find any broken link in this page, please let me know.

My family (highly commercial!)

Location d'appartements a Saint-Pierre Quiberon (Bretagne)
Camping 3 Étoiles à Sarzeau (Bretagne)
Li's Home page (parts in chinese)
My parents Home page (pictures, stories...)

My friends

Eddie. Very nice pictures there... And newly HTML/CSS compliant! (but no more for IE ;-)
Francois. Take care your eyes!
Nicolae's son: 9 years old
Frederic: switched from unreadable M$ site to good one
Ozoir-La-Ferriere: Information, weather, sport, etc...
Heurs et malheurs d'un usager des transports en commun

Jeff: he forgot this site Ooops... Forgot to pay?
Thierry: very informative ;-)
Sebastien: Forgotten site too...

Yves: neanmoins tout va bien!
Tea: An old friend, but he forgot this site!


Java.sun.com: Java came from there!
SUN Java tutorial
Java 2 SDK (JDK 1.2) API documentation
Javadoc 1.2 Reference Page
Java Secure Socket Socket (JSSE) API

WEB standards

W3.org: Because M$ is *NOT* the standard.
W3 HTML validator: You should test your own page there.
Mozilla.org: Tired of the buggy and proprietary IE? Try the best browser available. And more: It follows W3C standards, and it is free!

Tech news

Slashdot: News for Nerds. Stuff that matters
News.com: General Tech news
Linuxfr.org: Linux news in french


GNU.org: Gnu is Not Unix
Suse.com: My distro provider.
Linux.com: General information on Linux
linuxhq.com: Linux kernel information
Freshmeat.net: Looking for free software?
Lokigames.com: Commercial games for Linux. Unfortunately this company disappeared...
The Gnu Image manipulation Program
All you want to know about penguins


Bruissements d'yeux. I stole the small picture on the top of this page from this site.