A new Google bomb was targeting our President.
Just a few hours ago, it was sill working: By searching "magouilleur" (some kind of cheater in French) on Google the #1 result was the French President's web site .
Maybe because this news appeared on first TV channel site in France,
this bombing just disappeared one hour ago from the search engine, both from
US and
French versions.
Did we get a new magouille there, where some
people did ask Google to suppress these links?
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Li was walking near La Madeleine this wednesday, when a guy on a motorbike robbed her bag. She was so surprised that she did not react at all: She just did not believe this could happen (this is a big change compared to Tokyo famous security!).
She managed to cancel quickly her credit card, and to file a complaint at the police station. As she did not have my phone number, she had to wait for me outside half of the day :-(
The next day she told the story to her french school (a Japanese one), and the other two students answered that they had exactly the same problem! The robbers are apparently looking for Asian women in touristic areas of Paris (Opera, la Madeleine, etc...), as they generally have a lot of cash.
We did not loose a lot this time, and fortunately no important papers. We will just need to change our door lock, which is not cheap at all (from 400 to 800 Euros, depending on the companies).
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My internet is up again, after one month and a half of outage (!!).
Free support service is simply crazy: Not only they did nothing for one month (despite my weekly calls),
but they also tell you a different explanation every time you call them.
And try to guess what? Today this high-tech company is asking me to send them a regular mail to get some money back! Just incredible.
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