Surprise this morning: Accessing my two Google mail accounts this morning, I noticed that something has changed. My available space was 1,067Mb for the first one, and 1,071Mb when I logged on to the second one (instead of 1,000Mb for both accounts previously).
In fact, Google is continously increasing all mailboxes storage capacity (you can see the current value on their home page), until the value reaches 2 Gb!!
This story is also available on
Gmail likes to make announcements on Fool's day apparently!
By the way, they also improved the composition window a few days ago, by allowing rich text formatting (not for me, anyway, I use only plain text mail!).
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Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0,
the email client, was released yesterday, one month after its cousin,
It is not sure it could have the same success (Firefox was downloaded more than 9,000,000 in four weeks), but at least it could help some people sick of Microsoft's Outlook Express to switch to a more secure (and more powerful!) product.
Reading Thunderbird's web site, you will understand that Thunderbird is probably one of the most complete email clients (especially when compared to Bill's favorite virus/worm spreader):
Safe and Secure
Thunderbird provides enterprise and government grade security features such as S/MIME, digital signing, message encryption, support for certificates and security devices.Packed with Features
Thunderbird gives you IMAP/POP support, a built-in RSS reader, support for HTML mail, powerful quick search, saved search folders, advanced message filtering, message grouping, labels, return receipts, smart address book LDAP address completion, import tools, and the ability to manage multiple e-mail and newsgroup accounts.Unlimited Features
Thunderbird lets you add additional features as you need them through extensions. Extensions are a powerful tool to help you build a mail client that meets your specific needs.
Still not interested? Just try it, and let me know what you think!
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Mozilla Firefox
1.0 is out!
The Preview Release having being downloaded 8 million times, we could expect some interesting numbers with the long awaited final version!
The 6 years old Internet Explorer could have some trouble: Not only new flaws are discovered nearly every day (yesterday's one), but also M$ decided to stop the developments on the standalone version.
If you never tried a real browser, you should really have a look on this one... It's time to switch!
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I wonder how long many companies will still consider IE as a standard, despite its long history of critical flaws.
The latest flaws discovered should make anybody aware of the dangers of using this old browser, but even security teams are silent... Imagine that even over a secured connexion, your keystrokes could be recorded when you connect to your bank!
But nobody is going to put his balls on the table for a fight against corporate standards, I guess. Even (with knowledge!) IT teams go on buiding IE-only sites (the easy, lazy, and dangerous way).
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Bill has trouble: Windows NT and W2K source code are available on the internet!
As Microsoft always pretended that closed source is better for security, I wonder what they think about this leak. Will we see hundreds of new worms/viruses appear in the next weeks? This could be funny anyway ;-)
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Less than one year later, the free wikipedia encyclopedia doubled its number of articles, to reach 200,000 entries!
This number is for the English version. The next languages in terms of number of entries are German (around 49,000 entries), Japanese (~29,000), and French (~26,000).
All latest statistics are available here. They decided
N'oubliez pas une chose: Vos connaissances groupées valent beaucoup que celles d'un Larousse! Qu'attendez-vous pour publier?
FYI, on their 200,000 celebration page , the last message is currently: Well, we're getting slashdotted now. Of course, this should happen!
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According to, the announced website defacement contest is currently taking place, but there are chances that "web site attacks was mainly a flop".
The website is not accessible anymore, after it received 500 defacements links. As h-zone is the "official" repository of the contest, it is unclear how many sites have really been defaced ;-)
Due to trouble, the person running the challenge extended the contest for another day.
[/news/net] | permanent link | Google this reports that a website defacement contest will take place this Sunday. The winner will be the crackers group to get the more points with a maximum of 6,000 defaced sites. The points are given as following:
- Windows system defaced: 1 point
- Unix, Linux or BSD system: 2 points
- IBM's AIX: 3 points
- HP-UX or Apple's OS-X: 5 points expects 20,000 to 30,000 defacements during this contest. They also noticed that the number of defacements decreased the recent days, while the scanning of web servers increased. They think that the crakers are currently looking for targets, and are waiting the contest time to launch the real attacks. This is not really surprising, for such a serious matter: It is really important to know who is the best :-)
If you want to have fun, just have a look on Zone-H defacements archives, and on their Hall of Shame!
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It is interesting to compare the latest Netcraft web servers survey to the January ones.
In terms of
active sites
Apache has now 67.54% market share
(66.42% in January), and IIS has 23.98% (vs 24.79%).
Open source is going well in some areas!
Another interesting point of this survey is that Network Solutions is moving back a quarter of a million sites to Solaris after they moved them to IIS one year ago. Hum... I wonder why they come back ;-)
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Mozilla 1.4 and Netscape 7.1 (which is based on Mozilla 1.4 too) have been released yesterday. Mozilla is available first for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Other versions (Solaris, OpenVMS, etc...) should follow soon, as usually.