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I was horrified for a while too because this happened right after I reinstalled my PC (no comment on that one, please) !!
I thought I had forgotten to do something to save the characters until I noticed only Asia2 and Asia3 were available ...
I'm still hoping !


bruno raoult wrote:

I guess (and hope!) that "Asia" realm is down. (US & Asia 2
realms were down previously according to battlenet's status page).


On Sat, 2003-01-18 at 17:29, bruno raoult wrote:

I lost all my characters!!

I suppose this is a Battlenet maintenance issue, as they are
performing changes on their servers...

Anyvay, I tried my login, and I found nor Boudicca, nor Bodiccea.
They both disappeared. Instead, I found a level 2 "Zobi" character
that I never created :-(

I tried also with Cedric's login, and no character at all were

Simply hope it will soon come back :-)


GPG Key: 653514E5 (http://www.raoult.com/gpg)
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