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On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 23:25, bruno raoult wrote:
> [...]
> At least for me it will be impossible to reach you, as I try to use my 3
> characters equally; and believe me, it is also very interesting, as the
> gameplay is very different :-)

About my 3 characters, you probably know that 2 of them are called
Boudicca (and derivative). As this name is also used for our games, here
is a link to a story of the rise and fall of Boudicca, Queen of the

And here is a midi version of "Boadicea", Enya's tribute to the Iceni

Not a funny story, indeed. A Roman historian wrote the story a few years
after it happened, as Celtic civilization was not likely to write for
posterity, despite their alphabet.

Sorry for this off-topic posting!


GPG Key: 653514E5 (http://www.raoult.com/gpg)
"Bon, puisque tout le monde a oublié son maillot, voilà ce que je vous
-- Moïse

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