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  • Asteroid Contains Building Blocks of Life, Say Scientists
  • Astronomers Discover 196-Foot Asteroid With 1-In-83 Chance of Hitting Earth In 2032
  • Democrat Teams Up With Movie Industry To Propose Website-Blocking Law
  • Nintendo Loses Trademark Battle With a Costa Rican Grocery Store
  • AI-Assisted Works Can Get Copyright With Enough Human Creativity, Says US Copyright Office
  • Navigating Service Management on Debian
  • Exploring Statistical Analysis with R and Linux
  • How to Configure Network Interfaces with Netplan on Ubuntu
  • Efficient Text Processing in Linux: Awk, Cut, Paste
  • Exploring LXC Containerization for Ubuntu Servers
Old Family pictures (scanned)
Thumbnail Notice my sister's knees. My mother was not happy at all!.jpeg Thumbnail Pascale at school.jpeg Thumbnail Dad and Mum Marriage.jpeg Thumbnail Birthday.jpeg
Notice my sister's knees. My mother was not happy at all! Pascale at school Dad and Mum Marriage Birthday
Thumbnail Christmas Night.jpeg Thumbnail Pascale pretends to play piano. She stole my hat!.jpeg Thumbnail My sister and I.jpeg Thumbnail Our dog, Bobby.jpeg
Christmas Night Pascale pretends to play piano. She stole my hat! My sister and I Our dog, Bobby
Thumbnail Pascale near the new Montparnasse Tower in Paris.jpeg Thumbnail Dad and My sister, Pascale.jpeg Thumbnail My Mother's Mother (left) and my Father's (right).jpeg Thumbnail My father, young.jpeg
Pascale near the new Montparnasse Tower in Paris Dad and My sister, Pascale My Mother's Mother (left) and my Father's (right) My father, young
Thumbnail Pascale.jpeg Thumbnail In Pompeii. I am supposed to have said: Why do we come here, all houses are broken.jpeg Thumbnail My sister and myself trekking.jpeg Thumbnail Pascale on seaside.jpeg
Pascale In Pompeii. I am supposed to have said: Why do we come here, all houses are broken My sister and myself trekking Pascale on seaside
Thumbnail Zorro is sleeping.jpeg
Zorro is sleeping

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