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Holidays in Kusatsu, Nov. 01
Thumbnail Some trees become red. Very nice..jpeg Thumbnail 17.jpeg Thumbnail The problem is: where will I sleep?.jpeg Thumbnail Air is fresh (at least temperature), water is not :-).jpeg
Some trees become red. Very nice. 17 The problem is: where will I sleep? Air is fresh (at least temperature), water is not :-)
Thumbnail Air is fresh (but you can strongly smell sulphur), water is not :-).jpeg Thumbnail Air is fresh, water is not :-).jpeg Thumbnail 1++Air is fresh, water is not :-).jpeg Thumbnail 2++Air is fresh, water is not :-).jpeg
Air is fresh (but you can strongly smell sulphur), water is not :-) Air is fresh, water is not :-) Air is fresh, water is not :-) Air is fresh, water is not :-)
Thumbnail Hot waterfall.jpeg Thumbnail Same waterfall, with Li & Boudicca.jpeg Thumbnail 41.jpeg Thumbnail 42.jpeg
Hot waterfall Same waterfall, with Li & Boudicca 41 42
Thumbnail Coffee break....jpeg Thumbnail Boudicca is a star here....jpeg Thumbnail In front of our hotel.jpeg Thumbnail Same comment.jpeg
Coffee break... Boudicca is a star here... In front of our hotel Same comment
Thumbnail 1++... Don't try to take my place, I am watching you!.jpeg Thumbnail 1++... Hummmm. I love futon!!.jpeg Thumbnail This picture and the 2 next ones show what is the style of the hotel manager: You cannot find a square-centimeter without an object... of any style, of course!.jpeg Thumbnail A small hot waterfall.jpeg
... Don't try to take my place, I am watching you! ... Hummmm. I love futon!! This picture and the 2 next ones show what is the style of the hotel manager: You cannot find a square-centimeter without an object... of any style, of course! A small hot waterfall
Thumbnail Here they make sulphur.jpeg Thumbnail In our tatami-room.jpeg
Here they make sulphur In our tatami-room

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