Sgib/Asiapac Internet Gamers Group

This page has been discontinued, and mailing list was stopped. I will have no time and interest to maintain it, as I will quit Japan soon... I hope some of you had some fun. I had indeed ;-)



Welcome to SGIB/Asiapac Internet Gamers Group web site! We are a group of gamers (sorry, Diablo II only for now), and meet sometimes (late in the night) on Battlenet to have some funny games. Feel free to join us!!

Posted by br @ 01:44 JST [Link] [No Comments]

Yahoo Messenger

This is our main tool to find each-others. It would be a great idea if you open an account and let know your Yahoo ID to others. Current knowd IDs are here.

Posted by br on Dec 23, 2002 @ 14:09 JST [Link] [Karma: 0 (+/-)] [No Comments]

Mailing List

To subscribe, send an email to games-request@raoult.com, with the following line in the body of your message:


To unsubscribe, send an email to games-request@raoult.com, with the following line in the body of your message:

To get a list of available commands, send an email to games-request@raoult.com, with the following line in the body of your message:

To send an email to the list, just send it to games@raoult.com,
You can find an archive of the mailing-list here.

Posted by br on Dec 23, 2002 @ 14:06 JST [Link] [Karma: -1 (+/-)] [No Comments]

How to play with us?

1. Choose "ASIA" gateway (just under Battlenet)
2. Login
3. Create a character (if needed)
Note: Create an "Expansion" character (not a regular Diablo II one!)
4. On top-right of the screen, be sure that the realm is set to "Asia"
5. go
6. Change channel to "diablo-ppz" (create it if necessary)

Here we are...

Note: If someone has an idea to set #6 (channel) by default, please let me know!.

Posted by br on Dec 23, 2002 @ 14:05 JST [Link] [Karma: 0 (+/-)] [No Comments]


Chat: How do I send a message to someone else?
If you know the personnage name of the user, type:

/msg your_friend_personnage message
If you know only his login name, type:
/msg *your_friend_login message

How do "friends lists" work on battlenet?
You can have "friends list", so you know when your friends are coming in/getting out of battlenet:
To add a friend:
/f add your_friend_login

To remove a friend:
/f remove your_no_more_friend_login

To list your friends:
/f list

To send a message to all your friends:
/f msg message

Game: What is the game where I can find the other players?
The usual game name (if it does not exist, please create it) is:
name: bodiccea
passwd: 123a456

Game: How to create a game?
Just don't forget to:
Chat: What are the other chat commands?
You can find the list at: http://www.battle.net/info/commands.shtml

Posted by br on Dec 23, 2002 @ 13:52 JST [Link] [Karma: 0 (+/-)] [No Comments]


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