2.0 final - 08/30/2003, Changed links and some stuff to make these pages
work on my new hosting company.
2.0 - 12/29/2002, Switched the main page to
1.7 - 12/15/2002, All email addresses are now hidden in email archive.
Ready to link these pages from the outside?
1.6 - 12/10/2002, Moved players list & history outside the main page.
Should be done for other sections as well!
1.5 - 10/28/2002, Added menu & redesigned mailing-list archives.
Just hope it works!!
1.4 - 10/22/2002, Added background image, & music. This could be a
problem for IE users, as M$ decided that the <OBJECT> tag
means we are using an ActiveX object :-(
1.3 - 08/27/2002, Added Styles for different levels, as Aaricia is
in nightmare now!! From now, characters change will not be noticed
as a new version of this document.
1.2 - 08/25/2002, Added screenshots section.
1.1 - 08/24/2002, Added users characters (3 max).... Updated users list.
1.0 - 08/23/2002, Regular games switched to Expansion (Lord of Destruction)
0.9 - 08/22/2002, Users update.
0.8 - 08/20/2002, Added style selection javascript & links (IE needs
this workaround). Thanks to
this site.
0.7 - 08/20/2002, Better CSS handling (simple alternate css provided).
Added HTML/CSS validator links. New user.
0.6 - 08/18/2002, Chat friends list.
0.5 - 08/15/2002, PNG title, players update, and starting writing (poor)
Cascade Style Sheet.
0.4 - 08/14/2002, HTML rewriting. TXT version is no more maintained.
0.3 - 08/14/2002, Added Yahoo Messenger part, history, and players update.
0.2 - 08/13/2002, Added players list.
0.1 - 08/08/2002, Initial version.
For any trouble/remarks related to this site, please contact the
Last modified: Sun Dec 29 12:16:07 JST 2002