Sgib/Asiapac Internet Gamers Group

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Chat: How do I send a message to someone else?
If you know the personnage name of the user, type:

/msg your_friend_personnage message
If you know only his login name, type:
/msg *your_friend_login message

How do "friends lists" work on battlenet?
You can have "friends list", so you know when your friends are coming in/getting out of battlenet:
To add a friend:
/f add your_friend_login

To remove a friend:
/f remove your_no_more_friend_login

To list your friends:
/f list

To send a message to all your friends:
/f msg message

Game: What is the game where I can find the other players?
The usual game name (if it does not exist, please create it) is:
name: bodiccea
passwd: 123a456

Game: How to create a game?
Just don't forget to:
Chat: What are the other chat commands?
You can find the list at: http://www.battle.net/info/commands.shtml

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